£300 (full day)

The Isles of Harris and Lewis (actually one geographical island) are one of the most isolated parts of the UK.

It’s the lack of commercialism which is one of the island’s main attractions and provides its unique atmosphere and charm. With world-class beaches, stunning sea stacks, natural arches, mountains, castles and ancient stone circles, the island has enough subjects to keep any photographer happy for days.

Knowing where these places are and what time is best to visit them is the key, and that’s where we come in. We offer 1-to-1 workshops from May-Sept on Mondays (pm), Tuesdays, and Wednesdays (am). If necessary we can arrange transport to and from Skye. We can also offer a beach camping option for £30pp (all equipment included). For other dates please get in touch for a custom quote.

  • Price covers up to 2 people for workshop only
  • For additional persons add £50 each

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Harris photo workshop